Clifton, Bedfordshire
Recreation, Sport and Social
Recreation |
- Get Fit With Tessa - Aerobics on Mondays and Thursdays at 7.30pm £5 Pilates classes daytime and evenings ( contact Tessa for details ) Seated Exercise on Mondays at 2.15pm and Thursdays at 10.30am £5 Please contact Tessa for more info and to book.Getfitwithtessa@gmail.com www.getfitwithtessa.com
- Armchair Exercise Group - Mrs Iris Smryk (01462 812164)
- Bridge Club - (no information)
- Golden Lion Golf Society - Alan Evans (01462 816939)
- Mad Hatters Theatre School - Theatre School in Shefford, for children and young people aged 2-18years - Hollie Johanson-Smith (07789 510 899) www.madhatterstheatreschool.co.uk
- Leisure & Pleasure Society: Looking for something new? More.....
Sport |
- Clifton Cricket Club - Chairman - Phil Jones 01462 629596, Vice Chairman - Ricky Monaghan 07528 445888, Mr John Whitbread (01462 811826)
- Clifton Football Club - Clifton FC Chairman – Mark Gearing (07748 986932) Head Of Youth Football – Jason Shacklock (07909 888577)
- Netball - Mrs Sue Welsford (01462 811303)
- Rugby Club Biggleswade Rugby Club - The club caters for players from six to twelve (Minis) and from thirteen to seventeen (Youth) and has a Colts section and three Senior teams. There are a number of players at the club from the Clifton and new players are always welcome, in recent seasons, some of the younger adult players have coached rugby at All Saints Lower School. Contact the club via www.biggleswaderugby.co.uk
Social |
- Air Cadets at 22 ( Sandy ) Squadron - Flt Lt Margaret Bell Officer Commanding. Website www.sandy-aircadets.org.uk or call 01234 307776. Further information here...
- Clifton Girl Guides - We have 4 thriving and happy units in our village. If any parents would like their daughter to be put on our waiting lists please contact the appropriate leader from below. All contact for these groups is done by contacting the Girl Guide Association at www.girlguiding.org.uk.
- Rainbows are aged from 5 to 7 years and meet on Tuesdays at 4.30 - 5.30.
- 1St Clifton Brownies are aged from 7 to 10/11 years and meet on Wednesdays 5.45 - 7.15.
- 2nd Clifton Brownies are aged from 7 to 10/11 years and meet on Tuesdays 5.45 - 7.00.
- 1st Clifton Guides are aged from 10 to 15 and meet on Tuesdays 7.15 - 8.45.
- National Women’s Register - Mrs Sharon McLean (01462 812907)
- Womens Institute - Contact: Sue Hyde (01462 504335)